Immune system health hacks to keep you elevated through the winter

winter immune health hacks from sisterly expert susie perry

SISTERLY expert, Susie Perry is here to arm you with the knowledge you need...

With the colder and wetter weather, it’s handy to know how to build your immune defences at this time of year. We will also explain how key nutrients in The Elevator provide different aspects of immune support helping your resilience to those pesky seasonal infections keeping you full of vitality and health.

Your immune system works tirelessly to protect you from harmful invaders like bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens. And oh boy do those bad guys love cold damp weather and unventilated, overheated shared spaces! Offices, commuter trains and classrooms are a breeding ground for the winter critters that your immune system needs to fend off.

When it comes to the immune system, The Elevator’s got your back. Packed full of the best vitamins for immunity, with each sachet, you’ll be replenishing your immune system with plenty of copper, selenium, zinc and folate plus vitamins A, B6, B12, C, E and D3.

Copper: Immune Helper

You don’t often find copper in nutrition supplements but Dr. Daniel Jones who formulated The Elevator recognised this tiny mineral as being important for an immune support supplement. In fact, if you are low on copper then your immune system may struggle to build enough neutrophils (special white blood cells) which are part of your first line of defence.

Copper also helps protect immune cells and other cells in the body from harmful free radicals. Top up on copper with The Elevator, each daily serving contains 500mcg (50% NRV).

Selenium: DNA Guardian

Studies have shown that people living in areas of the world with higher levels of selenium in the soil (and diet) have lower rates of cancer. This is attributed to selenium’s unique ability to protect DNA from damage and reduce oxidative stress. Other studies show that people with low levels of selenium are often associated with low thyroid function and thyroid autoimmune disease.  

Selenium is vital for the proper functioning of the immune system. It acts as an antioxidant, protecting immune cells from oxidative damage. Moreover, selenium is necessary for the production of selenoproteins, which regulate the immune response which is why studies show that low selenium could mean that your body is going to be slower at fighting infections.  This makes selenium one of the best minerals for low immunity. Good job The Elevator contains 83mcg per daily sachet (151% NRV).

Zinc: Immune Gatekeeper

If you suspect (or know) that you have a weak immune system, then think zinc!  Zinc holds all the awards for being a top-performing nutrient to help you build up your immune system and improve wound healing. Zinc plays a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of your skin and mucous membranes, which serve as barriers against invading pathogens. Moreover, zinc is involved in the production and activation of immune cells, such as T-lymphocytes and natural killer cells.

So, how much zinc should a woman take daily? The Elevator, designed specifically for women by female health experts, contains 5mg per sachet (50% NRV). Zinc is very prominent in our diets (lean meats, fish, shellfish, pulses, nuts, and seeds) so you’ll easily achieve the other 50%, if not more.

Vitamin C: The Ultimate Defender

Question: How can I boost my immune system against a cold and cough? 

Answer: Vitamin C!

This superstar nutrient has been shown in studies to cut the recovery time from colds and flu and strengthen natural defences by increasing lymphocytes, phagocytes and macrophages - immune cells that gobble up invading microbes. It's renowned for its antioxidant properties that protect immune cells from oxidative stress and enhance their overall function. With all these credentials you can see why vitamin C is one of the best vitamins for low immunity.

Now because your body can’t store vitamin C and factors like stress, alcohol, and exercise quickly deplete vitamin C, it’s essential to give yourself a daily supply. Thankfully, The Elevator contains 640mg (800% NRV) per serving, so your immune cells will be high-fiving their way through winter.

Vitamin D: Breathe Easy

Does vitamin D help the immune system? Yes, it does, especially when supplemented in the active D3 form, rather than D2. Vitamin D gained much attention from the medical community during the pandemic when researchers focused on the important role vitamin D plays within the immune system. Vitamin D3 definitely scores points for being the best immune support supplement, especially in helping fight respiratory tract infections. If you are low in vitamin D, a risk factor for those of us living in countries with limited sunshine and daylight hours, then you’re likely to be more susceptible to winter chesty coughs and congestion.

One of the roles of vitamin D is to modulate the immune system and help untangle the confusion between T-cells which fuels autoimmune conditions by increasing the number and activity of T-reg cells (the cells that make sure your T-cells are attacking invaders rather than your own body tissues).  

How much vitamin D should a woman take daily? Well, this all depends on where you live and your skin tone. Women living in the Northern Hemisphere and those with dark skin are more likely to have low vitamin D status. The Elevator contains a dose best suited to women, each daily serving provides 1200 IU of vitamin D3 (600% NRV).  

Fun Fact – If you need a good reason to slurp back a left-over Christmas Eggnog or two, then it’s good to know that egg yolks are a fantastic source of vitamin D!

Vitamin B’s: Strength In Numbers

When it comes to folate and B12, studies reveal that having low levels of these energising vitamins drastically alters your immune response by inhibiting the activity of immune cells. According to research vitamin B6 is equally as important, helping modulate inflammation, regulate the immune response and support T cells. If you are wondering, what supplements do doctors recommend? Then B12 injections are really effective for replenishing B12. If needles aren’t for you, The Elevator has got you covered. Each sachet contains; vitamin B6 7mg (500% NRV), B12 15mcg (600% NRV) and folate 400mcg (200% NRV).

Vitamins A and E: On Patrol

Vitamin A is essential for the health of mucosal surfaces, so that’s your mouth, throat, nose, intestine, bladder and vagina. Vitamin A helps maintain the barrier function within these surfaces which are the body's first line of defence against pathogens and toxins. This is vital for preventing infections. Vitamin A also helps immune cells including lymphocytes, neutrophils, macrophages and T-helper cells mature and develop properly. Vitamin A is on the case for helping generate antibodies (B cells) that target pathogens to destroy. The great thing about The Elevator is that it contains the retinol form of vitamin A, perfect for the immune system, with 500mcg per sachet (63% NRV).

When it comes to vitamin E and the immune system, this mighty vitamin is a powerful antioxidant which mops up free radicals preventing them from damaging cells and tissues and modulating inflammation. All part of the recovery process. The Elevator delivers 24mg (200% NRV).

Foods that strengthen your immune system

By incorporating herbs and spices into your daily cooking, you can benefit from their immune-enhancing properties. Thyme, rosemary, oregano and garlic all have antimicrobial properties and are easy to add to winter roasted veggies and soups. Ginger contains gingerol and turmeric contains curcumin, both are powerful anti-inflammatory compounds known to help revitalise the immune system.

Don’t cook, no problem! Simply add some grated ginger to your morning smoothie, sprinkle cinnamon on your morning porridge or muesli, or choose a spicy soup, curry, or turmeric latte off the menu. You're good to go!

How do you rebuild a weak immune system?

Your immune system is a masterpiece of nature and nourishing it with the right nutrients is the foundation of a healthy, vibrant life. Incorporate The Elevator into your daily lifestyle to refresh your immune system with plenty of the good stuff – the immune nutrient heroes – copper, selenium, zinc, folate and vitamins A, B6, B12, C and D. Underpin this with a healthy balanced diet, regular exercise and stress management, and you’ll be well on your way to immune resilience that lasts all the way to Spring.

Susie Perry, BSc Hons, Dip ION is a Food Scientist and Nutritional Therapist. Susie received a Food Science degree from Reading University and a Diploma in Nutritional Therapy from the Institute for Optimal Nutrition, London. Susie has over 25 years' of experience as a nutrition supplement formulator, health writer, expert spokesperson and therapist. Read more about our SISTERLY experts here.




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Wessels I, Fischer HJ, Rink L. Dietary and Physiological Effects of Zinc on the Immune System. Annu Rev Nutr. 2021 Oct 11;41:133-175. doi: 10.1146/annurev-nutr-122019-120635. Epub 2021 Jul 13. PMID: 34255547.

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Vitamin C

Hemilä H, Chalker E. Vitamin C for preventing and treating the common cold. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2013, Issue 1. Art. No.: CD000980. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD000980.pub4. Accessed 07 November 2023.

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Vitamin D

Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition - Rapid review: Vitamin D and acute respiratory tract infections June 2020 – Link here

Hughes DA, Norton R. Vitamin D and respiratory health. Clin Exp Immunol. 2009 Oct;158(1):20-5. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2249.2009.04001.x. PMID: 19737226; PMCID: PMC2759054.

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B Vitamins

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Vitamin A and E

Sirisinha S. The pleiotropic role of vitamin A in regulating mucosal immunity. Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol. 2015 Jun;33(2):71-89. PMID: 26141028.

Huang Z, Liu Y, Qi G, Brand D, Zheng SG. Role of Vitamin A in the Immune System. J Clin Med. 2018 Sep 6;7(9):258. doi: 10.3390/jcm7090258. PMID: 30200565; PMCID: PMC6162863.

Lewis ED, Meydani SN, Wu D. Regulatory role of vitamin E in the immune system and inflammation. IUBMB Life. 2019 Apr;71(4):487-494. doi: 10.1002/iub.1976. Epub 2018 Nov 30. PMID: 30501009; PMCID: PMC7011499.

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